Registration begins at 4:30 PM on the Sunday of the week of camp your camper would like to attend. If the camper will be dropped off early, there will be an extra fee for supervision until Registration begins. Remember to bring medical information, medication, and money for store/registration fee.
Registration for overnight Kids’ Camps are open.
Families, church groups and individuals can also reserve a spot when Kid’s camps are not scheduled.
You reserve your space according to one house hold per unit
Ready to register? Go to “Rentals” page

Reservation Online
We are a camp that cares for children providing them the opportunity to grow

Registration By Post
We also provide a mail-in registration form for those who prefer the real world.

Register in Person
If registering your camper is a last minute decision, you can register them in person at the camp. Just remember that activity and cabin assignments will be limited. Call ahead at 1-604-869-5386

Register Online – Out of country and Non-Residents
Out of country and non-bc residents contact for pricing